What Kind of Teacher Are You?

We have all heard the statement, “You teach people how to treat you.” But have you ever taken time to REALLY think about what that means in your life? 

When I look back at all levels of my education, the teachers and classes I enjoyed most were those that started with clear guidelines. I knew where the lines were and how close I could get to them. I knew what was expected of me whenever I entered the room. Ease and laughter were beautifully interwoven with focus and respect.   

In the classes where the guidelines weren’t clear, my interest quickly waned. Lines were unwittingly stepped over. I didn’t know what was expected so I did the best I could to figure it out….most of the time.  

Whether we realize it or not, when it comes to forging relationships, we are inviting people into what one might call a Connection Classroom where it is important to share not just what we need to thrive in the relationship, but what we are ready, willing and able to do to ensure success as well. 

When we invite people into our lives without being clear about what we will and won’t accept in our mental, physical and emotional space, we are teaching those people that we are willing to accept WHATEVER they give without question. 

Sometimes that “whatever” is NOT 4.0 GPA work. It’s the, “I’m just going to do enough to pass” kind of work. 

And it’s that “just enough” energy that steals joy, blocks blessings and makes room for us to disconnect from our authentic voice. 

So you can settle for bad teaching in your Connection Classroom if you want to, but why would you want to? 

If you are struggling to (re)frame how people see you and how you show up in your relationships, Let’s talk about it! 

Click the ‘Book Now’ button at the top of the page to schedule your complimentary (re)connection call. 


Permission? Granted.


Create a Calm, Quiet Moment