More. Please & Thank You.

“If only I had more ____, then I would be happier.” 

We have all experienced some form of this thought. And more often than not, the first things that we fill in that blank are life’s many tangible goodies (i.e. money, space, vacations, time, etc). 

While there is NOTHING wrong with wanting MORE of those tangible goodies, have you ever thought deeply about the WHY behind those desires? 

We are conditioned to believe that attaining the things on our MORE list is the best (and only) way to “live the good life”. It becomes the quiet (and sometimes not so quiet) driving force behind our goal setting, decision making, planning, etc. 

But here’s the thing….

What we are NOT taught is that, because we are all individuals who want and need different things from life, what it means to live a “good life” varies from person to person. 

When we choose to embrace who we are as individuals, going deeper into self with a simple WHY, we are creating space to attract MORE of ALL the goodness we desire. And THAT is how we ensure that we are living a life that is authentic, abundant in all ways and deeply FULL-filling. 

I challenge you to start a running list of all the things you desire to have MORE of in your life and then ask yourself WHY

If the WHY is not aligned to who you are at your core, tapped into your authentic voice, let it go to make room for something that IS fully aligned with YOUR authentic voice. 

Not sure how to dig deeper into your authentic MORE? Let’s talk about it! Click the ‘Book Online’ button at the top of the page to schedule a complimentary coaching chat. 


Let Them Criticize You.


Thriving At Home