Find the Calm.

Have you ever had one of those weeks where you went to sleep on Sunday night and somehow woke up on Thursday morning? 

(Been there. Done that. Got the certificate.)

As you sit on the side of your bed trying to figure out where the time went, you may wonder how you will EVER salvage the week. You may think about the weekend plans that have to be canceled or rearranged so you can complete all the things on the list. Your brain may slip into a thought loop that entails countless messages about how you need to get it together. Or maybe you contemplate going back to sleep in hopes that this is all a really bad dream.

Life can be busy and even hectic. We all have things we want to accomplish each day. We all have goals we want to reach in our lifetimes. But if we cannot take a moment to find a place of CALM within, to reset when things don’t go as planned, we create more of that busy, hectic feeling. 

So, as you move through your day, set the intention that, no matter how busy things get, no matter how much time you seem to have lost, you will pause for a few minutes to Find YOUR Calm. 

Maybe that means taking a few deep breaths, stepping away from your workspace to get some fresh air or take a quick walk. Maybe you pull out your journal and write for 2 minutes. Maybe you dance to your favorite song or do a few jumping jacks. Calm looks different for each of us, but when we remember to find it, we are remembering to care for ourselves and that grounds us in ways that makes resetting and refocusing something that happens with greater ease. 

Need support (re)discovering your place of CALM? Let’s talk about it! Schedule your complimentary chat today


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