How are you feeling?

  • Overwhelmed by thoughts about what you “should” or “could” be doing with your life? 

  • Disappointed in yourself because you struggle to follow through on the commitments you make to YOURSELF?

  • Drained because you are always showing up for the needs of EVERYONE BUT YOU? 

  • Afraid that people will see the pain you have consistently hidden behind a smile, joke or some other tool of deflection?

  • Desperate to know that you are NOT alone in the feelings of loss, frustration and hopelessness that take up space in your head and heart more often than you’d care to admit?

What are you thinking?

  • Who am I to think I can have, do or be more than those around me? If I were smarter, prettier or more capable, my life would be better. I just don’t have what it takes.

  • Fun? Joy? Happiness? I don’t even know what those things mean! What I want doesn’t matter as long as ____ is/are OK

  • What will ____ (mom, dad, spouse, siblings) think if I try ____ (that thing you’ve been dreaming about trying/doing/being)? 

  • I’m such a failure. What if I fail again? I'm sick of the disappointment. My life is and will always be unfulfilling. 

  • I am so lonely. I don’t want to be “the strong one” anymore. I wish it felt safe to share all that I am feeling and experiencing right now.

How are you showing up?

  • Secretly stressed, worried and overall unmotivated because….life?

  • As the woman everyone else expects you to be….even though it doesn’t feel good to you?

  • Unclear about who you are and where you are going?

  • So afraid to step out of your comfort zone to explore your dreams, that you focus your energy on everyone else’s dreams?

  • Desperate to create deep, meaningful connections, but unsure where to start or how to trust others.

Key Areas of Focus….


    When you (re)Discover curiosity you….

    ~ create balance between your head and heart so you can release the fears that hold you back;

    ~ identify your authentic wants, needs and desires so you can connect to ALL of who you are; and

    ~ understand the difference between BE-ing IN your life and just DO-ing your life.


    When you (re)Frame your thinking you….

    ~ become aware of your thoughts and the power they have in creating the life you desire;

    ~ clear the head clutter that keeps you repeating patterns of behavior that no longer serve you; and

    ~ learn how to communicate WITH YOURSELF from a place of compassion.


    When you (re)Build inner trust you….

    ~ establish and maintain routines that nourish you mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually;

    ~ embrace your depth of your FEELings, express your needs & set clear boundaries; and

    ~ connect to your AUTHENTIC WHY and what it means to YOU to feel worthy and limitless.



Community. It’s something that we all need. Yes! Even the most introverted among us.

But, as we move through life and come into seasons of growth that push us to (re)connect to our authentic selves, it can feel challenging to find, create and embrace the community we so desperately desire and need. 

Alice Walker said, “Is solace anywhere more comforting than that in the arms of a sister?”

Chrysalid Coaching Circles start as a small group of strangers and morph into a sisterhood of Black women who are focused on trading the old stories, patterns and beliefs for new, empowering narratives that honor the truth of who they were created to be.

In the Circle, it’s NOT about WHERE you start, it’s about showing up for the process and embracing every opportunity for growth along the way.

Let's talk about what you get…

  • Eight (8) 90-minute virtual group coaching connection sessions (1st & 3rd Tuesday from 7pm to 8:30pm

    03/05/24, 03/19/24, 04/02/24, 04/23/24, 05/07/24, 05/21/24, 06/04/24, 06/18/24, and 06/25/24

  • Two (2), 60-minute virtual, individual coaching sessions to explore your needs more deeply

  • ~ Weekly journal prompts to help deepen personal exploration and further explore topics covered during group calls

    ~ Bi-monthly exercises to guide personal exploration and continued group discussion

    ~ Access to group chat for ongoing support and encouragement from Sherry AND your group members

    ~ Access to motivational playlist to help you stay grounded and focused throughout the week

  • 10% discount on individual coaching sessions, courses and books

  • Welcome kit and closing gift customized to you and your needs as it relates to your ongoing growth.

$895 Registration Fee (Payment Plans & Scholarships Available)

Sherry Samuels

Life Coach & Personal Healing Expert

Hi! I'm Sherry,  certified life coach, teacher, writer and workshop facilitator who believes that, when you know the sound of your Inner Voice, and understand its power, you are able to live and work from a place of confidence and focus that lends to personal and professional success.

My commitment to listening to my clients, both what is said and unsaid, allows me to consistently create coaching and training programs that speak to your individual needs. You will walk away from time with me feeling just how much I love this work and how committed I am to your success!